my memories
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
It's twosday! Alright! The really long tiring days of the week are over~ Now it's time to anticipate the weekend ahead and next week (where there'll only be two days of school, followed by a long weekend! MOOHAHAHAHA)
Had a real funny lecturer for Econs today. First time, i laughed so hard for something as serious as a H2 lecture! A rare lecturer who can mix entertainment and education. Not bad... not bad a'tall. =) I think econs lecture today was the only highlight for today. The rest of the day was pretty tiring. A lot of people have caught the flu virus, i haven't yet though. I don't know if i should be happy or sad, since i'd really like a day off. Hms.
Had a motivational speaker come to speak to us for the promos. He didn't focus on promos though, he focused on life goals, which led me to think of my aim to backpack around the world for a year straight after university. Anybody up for it? One of the things he said we should do once we have our goal(s), is to take action (derr). So i thought of counting the rough cost of the trip. Which i think, will totally demotivate me once i see the amount. Aqidah said i'll "faint at first sight" of it. Ahaha.
Nah, i dont faint over such stuff. Still, I really want it to happen, and not let it be just a dream. Some of you might scoff at the idea, but i don't care~ I WANT TO BACK PACK AROUND THE WORLD. So shoosh, all you little doubting people. Heh.
Yup, so that's it for today. I don't have much else to say, cause i blogged since i was bored. OH yes, while i'm here...
10:56 PM
mmm... yummy
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Another week has passed...
Well, almost anyway, since today is thursday. I think I'm finally starting to settle into Jc work mode again. Note: the word is "starting".
It's usually difficult for me to adjust to school mode after the holidays and I'll have to battle against laziness. This time is slightly different though, not only do i have to fight against laziness, i also have to be MORE hardworking for promos! Grraagghh... I seriously cannot wait for the end of this year to come, followed by the end of As.
At the same time, i'm quite amazed at how time has passed so quickly. Wasn't it only awhile ago that i was enjoying my first 3 months?? (I wish i still am, blehh~)
Haish, shall stop thinking of hols and play time. Focus on the future!
On another note, dear Ariel has open up a
deviantart account! Whee~ I can finally see her drawings online! Makes me feel like picking up drawing again, I miss doodling and Art, which i had a lot of time for in secondary school. Hmm... Maybe one day, I shall, and be serious about it!
6:40 PM
mmm... yummy
Friday, July 06, 2007
Well, today was not such a bad day i guess. I got my Hist and GP results! The results are..... [drumroll please]
GP - C
Hist - A
I want to cry for GP. Especially since i was an 'A' English student in secondary school. A 'C' is really crappy. Though I s'pose English in secondary school is a totally different thing from GP. Meh, that means I really gotta buck up for GP too. urrgghh...
As for hist, well, as some of you know, there were fill-in-the-blanks. So how much did i score for essay really?
17/25- and that's because I finished the blanks thingo in 10-15mins, leaving a nice 1hr 15min for essay. So if i had less time, my essay is prob a C. Oh, and i scored 20.5 for fill-in-the-blanks. =)
So yupp, an 'A' for hist makes me feel... meh. I'm more excited for the re-test, a proper 45 min to do the other question which i didn't go. So i'll know more accurately where i stand, hopefully.
Oh, and Mr Tay was telling us that he reads our blogs. Which made me kinda feel like this -> o.O
I didn't realise he'd have free time to read blogs since he's the J1 year head. & i can't picture him reading the blogs either. Hmm...
Hi Mr Tay. If you happen to be reading this. =)
On another note, Mum has flown to China today.
Almighty King,Please protect her and the other ladies. Grant them favour with the people there, oh Lord.May the bless the people of China and plant the seeds of salvation for the other non-believers.Amen.
9:26 PM
mmm... yummy
Thursday, July 05, 2007
It's one of those period of time,
where I'm feeling lonely and wonder
if everybody do see me as a friend,
or if they secretly hate me because i'm
a total b- totally dislikeable.
It's one of those period of time,
where it's useless to hear compliments
and words of comfort.
Because it'll just make me more paranoid.
(yes, i do happen to know i'm being paranoid[i hope],
but i can't really control FEELINGS now can i?)
Oh Lord, please bind this feeling of lonliness.
I should be thankful that i have You always.
Forgive me for feeling lonely,
though I know Your always by my side.
Stop emo-ing.
On another note, this week has been pretty crappy.
It's not good coming back to JC,
you get hit by a load of work to do.
Deadlines to meet. [Proj. Work is bleh]
New concepts and stuff thrown and you to know by
promos- which by the way is less than 3 months away.
Plus, just got back the papers for my worst subjects-
Math and Chi-
It's only gonna get busier.
9:07 PM
mmm... yummy